Sunday, December 23, 2012

#3. Again a loud bang rang out loud and clear and the boy heard the round sink into the ground near where he lay. Now he felt like getting as far away as he could. He wanted to live and find out how to get a different hair color not die here in the field just outside his home town.  Before another shot could be loaded and fired he grabbed at the shiny object that had caught his attention and stuffing it into one of his many pockets he took off running. At first he ran alongside the field he had been standing in, but then he took a turn down a hill over a small creek and then up the side of a more steep hill. He ran and he ran until his heart hurt and his face grew brighter than his hair as he huffed and puffed. The world started to dance around his eyes since he had never run for such a long distance before. He thought he felt his foot-falls land unsteadily and finally he tripped near the bottom of another steep hill and fell forward hard into the ground and knocking out the wind in his lungs he lay still for quite a while.

(To Be Continued...)

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